Item Coversheet


Committee of the Whole Meeting
AugustĀ 20, 2019

Departments: Community Development
Description of Topic:
Discuss the sole source purchase and installation of additional vertical lane delineators on State Highway 161 in front of McDonald's restaurant. (KA)
Action Options/Recommendation:
The left turn in and out of the entrance to the McDonald's restaurant off State Highway 161 is an unsafe movement resulting in serious accidents since the placement of the vertical lane delineators in this area. Due to the number of accidents that have occurred at this location, it is necessary to change this access to strictly right-in, right-out.
Source of Funding (if applicable) :

Quote amount: $10,591. This is a sole source purchase. 

ALDOT SWA account.

This is an unbudgeted item

Qwick Kurb Sole Source Quote.Chandler
Distributor Sole Source Letter
Chandler Sole Source Letter
Qwick Kurb Specifications
Lane Delineator Schematic